Getting Started


Install the UUID package via NuGet using one of the following methods:

dotnet add package UUID

# Package Manager Console
Install-Package UUID

Basic Usage

Here's how to get started with basic UUID operations:

// Generate a new UUID
var id = new UUID();

// Convert to string
string str = id.ToString();  // "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"

// Parse from string
UUID parsed = UUID.Parse("0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef");

String Formats

UUID supports multiple string formats for different use cases:

var uuid = new UUID();

// Standard format
string standard = uuid.ToString();
// "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"

// Base32 format (URL-safe)
string base32 = uuid.ToBase32();

// Base64 format
string base64 = uuid.ToBase64();
// "782riWdFIwHvzauJZ0UjAQ=="

// Convert Base64 back to UUID
UUID fromBase64 = UUID.FromBase64(base64);
Console.WriteLine($"Base64 -> UUID: {fromBase64}");

// Safe parsing with TryFromBase64
if (UUID.TryFromBase64(base64, out UUID parsedFromBase64))
    Console.WriteLine($"Successfully parsed from Base64: {parsedFromBase64}");

Byte Array Operations

UUID provides methods for converting to and from byte arrays:

// Convert UUID to byte array
UUID id = UUID.New();
byte[] bytes = id.ToByteArray();
Console.WriteLine($"UUID -> Bytes: {BitConverter.ToString(bytes)}");

// Convert byte array back to UUID
UUID fromBytes = UUID.FromByteArray(bytes);
Console.WriteLine($"Bytes -> UUID: {fromBytes}");

// Safe parsing with TryFromByteArray
if (UUID.TryFromByteArray(bytes, out UUID parsedFromBytes))
    Console.WriteLine($"Successfully parsed from bytes: {parsedFromBytes}");

// Writing directly to a byte array
byte[] destination = new byte[16];
if (id.TryWriteBytes(destination))
    Console.WriteLine($"Successfully wrote to byte array: {BitConverter.ToString(destination)}");

Performance Tips

String Formatting

  • Use appropriate string format methods based on your needs
  • Consider using Base32 for URL-safe strings

Bulk Operations

  • Use array pooling for bulk operations
  • Consider parallel processing for large batches

Memory Usage

  • UUID struct is optimized for minimal memory footprint
  • Use array pooling for bulk operations

Next Steps